




“雷峰夕照”景观的最重要建筑要素为雷峰塔,雷峰塔位于夕照山山脊中部,始建于北宋太平兴国二年(五代吴越国王钱弘俶在位第30 年,公元977年),南宋时重建,明代嘉靖年间(1522~1566),倭寇焚塔,仅存塔芯。民国十三年(1924 年)9月25 日,雷峰塔倒塌。1999年经发掘,现存遗址由塔基、副阶、塔身、地宫等部分组成,南宋及后代重点修复的外围遗迹有僧房、道路等。

Ten scenes of West Lake ----Leifeng Sunset

The seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units

Leifeng Sunset is named in the Southern Song Dynasty in the West Lake landscape "Ten scenes of West Lake ", because of the sunset plated tower, Buddha light widely named." Sunset Mountain on the west coast of Hunan Province. The components include: Sunset Mountain, Leifeng Pagoda , Imperial Palace, the courtyard of the monument pavilion, the imperial monument and the remains of the structure, pine, traditional vegetation landscapes such as bamboo, and modern and contemporary integration. Conservation and landscape facilities: Scenic areas include West Lake Waters, Two Titi Islands, West Lake West, North Lake the landscape surrounding the lake.
