


天主教堂始建于清顺治十六年(1659),创建人为意大利传教士马尔蒂诺·马尔蒂尼(Martino  Martini,中文名卫匡国)。教堂坐西朝东,占地面积900余平方米,按照西方“造作制度”建造,受巴洛克风格影响,平面呈长方形,面阔三间,进深十一间。正立面采用屏幕式的山墙构图,为两层叠柱式巴洛克风格建筑,在教堂的西南面还留有主教府。天主教堂是杭州规模最大、历史最悠久的教堂,对研究中国教堂建筑史和天主教在杭传播史具有重大价值。

Hangzhou Catholic Church

The sixth batch of Zhejiang provincial cultural relics protection units

The Catholic Church was founded in 1659 by the Italian missionary Martino Martini. The church sits west to east, covers an area of more than 900 square meters, according to the western "manufacturing system" construction, by the Baroque style, the plane is rectangular, three wide, 11 deep. The facade features a screen-like gable, two-storey baroque-style building with a bishop's palace to the southwest of the church. The Catholic Church is the largest and oldest church in Hangzhou. It is of great value to study the history of Chinese church architecture and Catholicism in Hangzhou.
