


富义仓是运河沿岸现存完整的古粮仓之一,位于京杭大运河与其支流胜利河的交汇处。这里水面宽阔,可以同时停泊多艘货船,这里的江涨桥码头,宋时就已成为杭州运河的门户,是重要的货物集散地。富义仓是由当时浙江巡抚谭钟麟负责选址督建的。富义仓名字的含义是“以仁致富,和则义达”的意思。富义仓的所在地,也是清朝时期,康熙、乾隆二帝,沿运河,驾龙舟,多次下江南时,龙舟停泊靠岸的地方。这里现在还有纪念乾隆下江南的“乾隆舫”、众多官员等候圣上驾临的“候圣驾”,和皇帝下船登岸的“御码头”。这些古迹让人们仿佛看到当年清帝下江南,运河连通京杭, 龙舟乘风破浪,众官列队迎接,笙歌缭绕、山呼万岁之声,声震天地,轰动一时的热闹场景。2013年被列入第七批全国重点文物保护单位。


The seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units

Fuyi Cang is one of the existing complete granaries along the canal, located at the junction of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and its tributary Shengli River. Here the water is wide, can berth several cargo ships at once, here Jiangzhangqiao pier, Song Dynasty has become the gateway to Hangzhou Canal, is an important cargo distribution center.

Fuyi Cang was built by Tan Zhonglin, then governor of Zhejiang Province.The meaning of Fuyi Cang's name is "rich by benevolence, harmonious and righteousness".Fuyi Cang is located in the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Qianlong, along the canal, driving dragon boats, many times down the Yangtze River, the dragon boat docked. There are also commemorating the Qianlong Boat, many officials waiting for the emperor to arrive, and the emperor disembarked from the boat and landed at the "royal pier".

These historic sites make people see the Qing Dynasty down south, canals connect Beijing and Hangzhou, dragon boats ride the wind and waves, officials in line to greet, Shengdao, long live the sound of mountains, the earth and the world, sensational scene. In 2013, it was included in the seventh batch of key national cultural relics protection units.
