


龙兴寺经幢位于下城区延安路灯芯巷口。始建于唐开成二年(837),经幢上有题记“开成二年正月一日建……处士胡季良书……大中五年八月廿四建……。” 经幢原有两座,现仅存一座。经幢残高约5.16米,八边形,由须弥基座、平座石、幢身、腰檐、短柱、幢顶叠置而成,其中幢基、幢身及短柱为唐代遗构,其上部构件为清代旧物。须弥基座由二层须弥座组成。平座石每面均刻划单勾栏。幢身每面均刻《陀罗尼经》,为唐代书法家胡季良所书。幢身上作腰檐二重,为清初重修时的产物。腰檐之间雕凿短柱。幢顶分为两个层,最上为宝珠。



Longxing Temple Jing block

The seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units

Longxing Temple Jing block is located in the lower part of Yan'an Road wick alleyway.Built in the second year of the Tang Dynasty (837), the building has the title "On the first day of the first month of the first year of Kaicheng...the first day of August 24, the fifth year of construction."The Jing block used to have two, but now only one remains. Jingzhuang is 5.16 meters tall and octagonal. It is composed of Xumi pedestal, flat pedestal, block body, waist eaves, short pillar and block roof. Among them, the building base, the building body and the short column are relics of the Tang Dynasty, and the upper parts are old objects of the Qing Dynasty. The Sumi pedestal consists of a two-story Sumi pedestal.Flat stone on each side is engraved with a single check bar.Each side of the building is engraved with the Torani Sutra, which is written by Hu Jiliang, a calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty.Building body as waist eaves double, for the early Qing Dynasty when the product.Short columns were carved between the eaves of the waist.The top of the building is divided into two layers, the top of which is a jewel.

Longxing Temple Sutra Block is one of the earliest stone-carved Sutra Blocks in Zhejiang Province. It is of great value to study the development of Buddhist scriptures in Zhejiang Province, as well as the architecture, statues and calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty. In 2013, it was announced as the seventh batch of key national cultural relics protection units.
