


杭州孔庙座落于杭州市上城区府学巷8号,始建于北宋仁宗年间(1023-1063年)。杭州孔庙占地面积1.32公顷,总建筑面积达到5581平方米,依据建筑格局、历史脉络以及文物内涵,划分为东、西两大区域。西区为孔庙中轴线,有棂星门、泮池、大成门和大成殿等建筑,展示杭州孔庙的文化精髓。主体建筑大成殿,不仅是杭城唯一保存完好的清式重檐歇山顶木构建筑,还是杭州用以纪念和祭祀孔子的殿宇。 孔庙东区为园林建筑区,展示自唐代以来各类珍贵碑石420多石(dan 四声),内容包括地方史料、名家法帖、人物刻像、天文星图、水利图刻、墓志铭等。这里称得上是一座兼具历史、科学、艺术等价值的“石质书库”。其中,南宋太学石经为宋高宗所书,为全国仅有。 杭州孔庙不仅是祭祀孔子,弘扬国学,开展人文教育的重要场所,还兼具传承中国传统文化,发挥爱国主义教育基地的作用。 现为浙江省第八批全国重点文物保护单位。

Stele Forest of Confucius Temple in Hangzhou

The eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units

Hangzhou Confucius Temple is located in Hangzhou City, 8 Fu Xue Lane, Shangcheng District, was built in the Northern Song Dynasty (1023-1063 years). Hangzhou Confucius Temple covers an area of 1.32 hectares and has a total construction area of 5581 square meters. According to the architectural pattern, historical context and cultural heritage connotation, it is divided into East and West two regions and West regions.

The western district is the central axis of Confucius Temple, with lattice star gate, Panchi, Da Cheng Gate and Da Cheng Hall, showing the cultural essence of Hangzhou Confucius Temple. Dacheng Hall, the main building, is not only the only well-preserved Qing-style double-eave Xie Peak wooden building, but also Hangzhou to commemorate and sacrifice Confucius Hall. The eastern part of Confucius Temple is a garden building area, displaying more than 420 stones of various kinds since Tang Dynasty, including local historical materials, masterpieces, figures, astronomical charts, water conservancy drawings, epitaphs and so on. It can be called a "stone library" with historical, scientific and artistic values. Among them, the Southern Song Dynasty Taixue Stone Sutra for the Song Gaozong calligraphy, only for the country.

Confucius Temple in Hangzhou is not only an important place for offering sacrifices to Confucius, carrying forward Chinese studies and humanities education, but also a base for inheriting Chinese traditional culture and patriotism education. It is now the eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units in Zhejiang Province.
