


院址位于上城区大学路北段,属于小营街道老浙大社区。1928年改名浙江大学。求是书院现存主殿与偏殿。两殿均坐北朝南。主殿即原普慈寺大殿旧址,占地约552.4平方米,面阔五间,单檐歇山顶,为主体建筑附加抱厦屋形式,平面呈“凸”字形。正立面悬挂黑底金字匾,上为隶书“求是书院”。两侧挂隶书对联一幅“梵天超法界全恁佛力巍峨妙相赛诸天  净土接篷莱煞费神工结构精严成乐土”。大殿为敞厅,明间设六扇格扇门与抱厦屋相连,地面方砖漫铺。内部梁架节点处采用替木、垂花柱、雀替等装饰性木构件,雕饰较为精美。偏殿平面呈矩形,五开间,屋顶为硬山顶。檐口部位饰牛腿、连机等木雕构件。



Qiushi (learning) Acdemy

The eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units

The academy (the predecessor or today's Zhejiang University) was set up in the 23rd year(1897) of the Guangxu Reign in the Qing Dynasty by Lin Qi, prefect of Hangzhou. On the original site of the academy was Puci Temple (Temple of Universal Tranquilitv). the main hall of which was an office of the academy, while the classroom and dormitory were located in the east and west rooms in the rear of the main hall. Qiushi (Learning) Academy is the first new-type high-learning institutionin Zhejiang Province, bringing up the first group of talents with modern scientific knowledge ana democratic ideology in the province thus occupying a certain status in China Modern educational history. On the site, only the main hall and side halls of the former Puci Temple remain nowadays.The main hall faces south; it has five bays with single eave and hip-and-gable roof, it's a typical architecture in the late Qing Dynasty.
